(928) 662-3119 | drsoffice@dynamicrocksolutions.com | P.O. Box 190 | Salome, AZ 85348

Wind Energy

Since 2004, Dynamic Rock Solutions has been involved in the drilling and blasting aspect of building large scale, complex wind projects throughout the western United States. Our work includes site access development, turbine site development, turbine foundation blasting, utility trench blasting, as well as drilling for geotechnical analysis. We have completed numerous projects with many different terrain and weather conditions in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Oklahoma and Kansas.

Solar Energy

We have completed many large-scale projects in the solar energy sector. Our work includes drilling and blasting for site development, pre-drilling for pile drive activities and drilling for geotechnical analysis.

Transmission and Utilities

In addition to helping build the energy sites, we also work on transmission distribution projects that help deliver the power. This includes transmission line access, structure foundation and underground utilities blasting as well as anchor hole drilling for the stabilization of the structure poles.